Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Personal Social Responsibility – A novel thought

Parul Jain, Dr. N. C Pahariya

Abstract :

This paper will explores – the term and concept of personal social responsibility PSR; about the importance of PSR, how PSR is an innovative idea in the development of society, how individual is a sole participant in the growth of country. How PSR can be an element of Corporate social responsibility (CSR)?  This is a conceptual paper. PSR is very new concept publicized by Jagdish Bhagwati an Indian–American economist & professor of economics and law at Columbia University. The aroma of PSR can only come when an individual like corporate CEO, director or an owner think he is responsible for society wellbeing because they are the main players for the development of society. If anyone thinks like that then he would be known as society centric rather than profit centric.

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Parul Jain, Dr. N.C Pahariya Personal Social Responsibility – A novel thought Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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