Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Perpetuation of Magnaporthe grisea causing blast disease in paddy crop under irrigated conditions of Kashmir

Ali Anwar, G. N. Bhat. Jan Mohd. Junaid, Muneeb Andrabi, V. K. Ambardar, G. H. Mir

Abstract :

Investigations were carried out during the month of October to March after the crop was harvested, on various components viz. paddy straw, stubbles, weed straw, soil, rice husk, seeds and undecomposed material to examine the perpetuation of Magnaporthe grisea under temperate conditions of Kashmir. Data revealed that highest perpetuation rate was recorded in the month of October in all the specimens and minimum occurrence was found in the month of January to March. Moreover, the month of Feuary exhibited least occurrence because of prevalence of sub zero temperature. Among the collected specimens, stubbles and weed straw exhibited maximum perpetuation while minimum was found in the soil and seeds followed by undecomposed material

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Ali Anwar, G.N.Bhat.Jan Mohd. Junaid, Muneeb Andrabi, V.K.Ambardar, G.H.Mir Perpetuation of Magnaporthe grisea causing blast disease in paddy crop under irrigated conditions of Kashmir Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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