Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Performance of Select Private Equity Funds in India.

Mrs. Khudisya Zeeshan

Abstract :


India has been witnessing dramatic shift in the size and composition of foreign investment blusters over the couple of years. Private equity is one such investment opportunity which is oadly defined as involved investment in equity linked to an asset that is not listed and therefore not publicly traded in the stock markets. At present private equity funds have invested even in listed companies, though the buyout negotiation with controlling interest. With increasing Deal volume and Deal values the subject has become an important aspect of Indian economy as this could lead the Indian economy in either direction. The Bull Run by foreign companies in the private equity market has begun. Besides, the performance of Private Equity is to be examining from the perspectives of its contribution to exchequer, impact on GDP and overall, the growth of the economy.

The present paper is a modest attempt to dwell on the growth and impact of Private Equity on the performance of Indian economy in terms of economic growth, and GDP.

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Mrs. KHUDISYA ZEESHAN, Performance of Select Private Equity Funds in India., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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