Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Performance of Pulses Demonstrations in Bundelkhand Zone of Uttar Pradesh, India

Dr. Rajiv, Dr. Lakhan Singh

Abstract :

Technology demonstrations were conducted on pulses with improved technologies against farmer’s practices at farmer’s fields during 2008–09 to 2010–11 in district Hamirpur of Bundelkhand zone in Uttar Pradesh. Full package of practices was followed. The demonstrations were conducted on chickpea (687), field pea (435) and lentil (255). The results showed that improved techniques increased seed yield over farmer’s practice by the margins of 10.77 q/ha or 113.8 % in chickpea, 8.79 q/ha or 71.5 % in field pea and 6.22 q/ha or 75.2 % in lentil. Net profit of Rs.20665/ha in chickpea, followed by Rs.11440/ha in lentil was realized by the farmers. Lowest of Rs.10745/ha net profit was increased in field pea. There is wide technology gap, which need to idge by promoting the scientific production and protection technologies in varied condition of rainfed condition

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Dr. Rajiv and Dr. Lakhan Singh, Performance of Pulses Demonstrations in Bundelkhand Zone of Uttar Pradesh, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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References :

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