Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012

Performance Improvement Enhance The Efficiency

Vidya L. Hulkund

Abstract :

Performance Improvement is the process of performance management. In each process of performance management there should be performance improvement its should not only for control the behavior of the employees, punishment. Employees would work hard when they feel they are wanted in the organization and work better when they are clear and improvement in performance. Every employees spend a major part of his life for the organization if there no improvement in their job then employees do feel working effectively. career planning is must to know there strength and weakness so that will be placed on right job which they can work. if the employee do not like the job which he has given or do not adjust the work that means he do not had the right career planning. performance . performance improvement is to see it as improvement in four potential areas. First, is the resource input requirements (about the job, set–up requirements). Second, is the throughput requirements, often viewed as process efficiency; this is measured in terms of time, waste, and resource utilization. Third, output requirements, often viewed from a, functionality perspective. Fourth, outcome requirements, did it end up making a difference in the performance. Performance improvement can occur at different levels: an individual performer ,a team ,an organizational unit ,the organization itself . To achieve organization goal not only the employees improvement is important but also the overall organization improvement. If the organization is stable than the organization do not survival. Performance management is a continuous process where as appraisal is activity so this article is about performance management and why performance improvement is important and explain practical implications to improve the performance of the individual, team and organization and optimum utilization of the resources available while planning the training sessions which will help in performance improvement and what are the benefits by improving the performance.

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Vidya L. Hulkund Performance Improvement Enhance The Efficiency Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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