Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


K. Sujatha, S. Varadarajan

Abstract :

<p>Cooperative communication is considered as one of the efficient technique to overcome fading in wireless network since it can achieve spatial diversity. Multiple relays provide increase in capacity without need for additional spectrum but transferring dada though all relays increases the complexity and power consumption. Is used to overcome this zero forcing detection is simple and effective technique for receiving multiple transmitted data streams at the receiver .however the detection requires knowledge of the channel state information and in practice accurate CSI may be available. In this paper we used least square estimation (LSE) to estimate the channel. Simulation results shows the comparison of ZF and MMSE equalizers we assure the both the channel source to relay and relay to definition are show that fading Nakagami channe</p>

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K.Sujatha, S.Varadarajan Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Communication with Relayselection Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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