Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Performance Analysis of Indian Overseas Bank

Kamaraj. K. , Dr. A. Somu

Abstract :

Present day banking is highly complex and bankers perform various kinds of operations. Banking is considered to be one of the oldest industries in the world. Banks are the backbones of economy of all nations. The financial flow commences and ends in banks. The economic developments can be judged on the basis of performance of banks in the specific nations. The performance of banks can be understood from their financial statements and their operations. The banks are also considered to be socially responsible units and any change in the bank structure can influence the society to a greater extent. Hence a study of performance analysis of a scheduled, nationalized, commercial bank., i.e. Indian Overseas Banks acquires more importance. The data are collected from the annual reports of banks, various data bases and the reserve Bank of India publications.

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Kamaraj.K., Dr. A.Somu / Performance Analysis of Indian Overseas Bank / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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