Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Perception towards Physical Exercise among University Students in Malaysia: A Medico–social Problem

Dr. Redhwan Ahmed Al Naggar, Dr. Muhamed T. Osman

Abstract :

It is well documented that the vast majority of chronic disease may be prevented if there is daily physical activity. The objective of this study is to explore the practice and barriers toward physical activities among university students in Malaysia. The study was conducted among fifty students from the Management and Science University Malaysia. In–depth interviews were conducted among the participants. The study has revealed that the majority of the respondents exercise regularly. Despite that the majority of the participants have mentioned that they do exercise regularly, “no time to do exercise”, “busy” and tight study schedule represent the main barriers towards physical activity. The data obtained in this study may be used in order to identify specific activities and programs that would promote physical activities in universities. There is also urgent need to further educate students about the benefits of physical exercises.

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Dr. Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar, Dr. Muhamed T. Osman Perception towards Physical Exercise among University Students in Malaysia: A Medico-social Problem Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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