Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Perception of first–year medical students about awareness of information and informatics

D. S. Grewal

Abstract :

AIM: To judge medical students’ awareness with information literacy and informatics. Method: A survey was conducted at the start of the 2015 school year to judge general liary interest, students were asked to state their expected liary usage during their time at Adesh University. The survey questions were developed on paper and designed to generate data. Results: To judge general liary interest, 105 survey respondents were asked to state their expected liary usage during their time at Adesh University .The respondents selected the resources they were likely to use the most were Physical material 31(29.5%) Late night studying 22(20.9%) Study desk16 (15.2%) Smart desk 14(13.3%) liary’s online collection 12(11.4%) interest in using a personal liarian 10 (9.5%).Conclusion: A preliminary study assessed the future usage of liary by medical students in Adesh University. However further investigation is required to validate its effectiveness. Moreover orientation is required to develop the competencies, research skills, and information literacy as a regular and comprehensive tool which will help students to explore in more depth.

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D.S.Grewal Perception of First-Year Medical Students About Awareness of Information and Informatics Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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