Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Perceived Readability of Farm Information Published in Krishisanvadini

Mahajan V. R. , P. K. Wakle, D. M. Mankar, S. P. Salame

Abstract :

Number of farm literatures are published by Dr.Panjaao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola for the benefit of rural people. Krishisanvadini is an annual publication popular among farming community. Latest farm information regarding new technology and research findings were published in Krishisanvadini. To know the readability of this publication, the present investigation was carried out in Akola district of of Maharashtra State. Readability was measured by applying formula developed by Shirke and Sawant (2003). It is observed that 88 per cent of the respondents expressed that the literature was moderately to highly readable. It was further reported that majority of the readers opined the words were easy to read and understand, paragraphs were medium in size, sentences were perceived medium in length, topics were appropriate, illustration to be appropriate, table and charts were sufficient and easily able to read the farm information appeared in Krishisanvadini.

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Mahajan V. R., P.K.Wakle, D.M. Mankar, S.P. Salame Perceived Readability of Farm Information Published in Krishisanvadini Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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