Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Perceived Parenting During Adolescence in Context of Parents' and Adolescents' Sex

Dr. Sarika Manhas, Ms. Gurpreet Kour

Abstract :

The present research focuses on perceived parent child relationship during adolescence. The sample for the study comprised of 100 families with either only male children or only female children in the age group of 11–18 years. The entire sample was drawn from the urban areas of Jammu, J & K. Random sampling technique was used for selection of the sample for the study. Tool used for gathering information was a standardized Parent–child Relationship Scale (Rao’s), which were filled in by the adolescents. Results reveal that as far as adolescent’s perceived parenting was concerned, some differences were found according to the sex of the parent but on the whole parenting as perceived by adolescent’s remained more or less similar for mothers and fathers. Overall, whether they had sons or daughters most parents showed more positive parent–child relationship than negative. Parenting of both fathers as well as mothers however varied significantly according to the sex of their adolescent, as with daughters they were more protecting but with sons they were more punishing and strict. The findings highlight the significant influence of both parental as well as children’s sex in shaping their mutual relationship.

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Dr. Sarika Manhas, Ms. Gurpreet Kour Perceived Parenting During Adolescence in Context of Parents’ and Adolescents’ Sex Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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