Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2019


Dr Reena J. Wani, Dr Rupali Sabale, Dr. Neeraja Mistry, Dr. Yogita Talpade

Abstract :

75 years old housewife presented in OPD with acute abdominal pain. She had h/o abdominal pain since 1 month and abdominal distension and asymmetrical pedal edema more on left side. She had Diabetes Mellitus and past history of vaginal Hysterectomy done 25 years ago for prolapse uterus. On evaluation there was a Firm pelvic mass of 30 weeks palpable. CT Scan showed A solid cystic mass with internal septae and wall thickening likely ovarian malignant tumor.CA 125 (21), USG RMI = 189 score. However, she also had right pulmonary artery thrombus and DVT of left lower limb. After taking high risk consent with counselling patient was operated. Intra–Operatively ovarian mass seen to be benign ovarian tumor possibly mucinous cystadenoma. However, H.P.R. s/o Adult Granulosa Cell tumor. Anticoagulation started after 12 hours of surgery. Patient was shifted to warfarin and discharged. Dilemmas and difficulties in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management are discussed

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PELVIC MASS: DARE BUT HANDLE WITH CARE!, Dr Reena J. Wani, Dr Rupali Sabale, Dr. Neeraja Mistry, Dr. Yogita Talpade INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2019

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