Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2017

Pattern of adverse drug reactions to anti –epileptic drugs in a tertiary care hospital

U. P. Gawali, A. A. Bansode

Abstract :

 Objectives: To assess the pattern of ADRs in Medicine, Psychiatry and Paediatric departments of a tertiary care hospital. Material & Methods: A prospective, observational study was conducted for 5 months after approval from Institutional Ethics Committee. Patients’ demographic details, details of AEDs received, ADR details were recorded and assessed by Excel2007. Results: Out of 150 patients studied, 68% were males and 32% were females. Majority of patients were affected by GTCS(50%) and CPS(25.3%). 70.67% and 29.33% patients received monotherapy and combination therapy respectively. Sodium valproate(27.33%) and carbamazepine(18.67%) were most commonly prescribed drugs. Out of 150 patients, 47 patients developed ADRs. A total 97 different ADRs were observed. Majority of ADRs were belong to CNS(56.7%) and GIT(17.52%). Phenytoin followed by phenobarbitone and carbamazepine were involved in causing majority of ADRs. Conclusion: Early detection of ADRs and ADR reporting is necessary to improve patients’ compliance, cost of therapy, and clinical outcome.  

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U.P. Gawali, A.A.Bansode, Pattern of adverse drug reactions to anti –epileptic drugs in a tertiary care hospital, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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