Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Pathological Sleep Disorders Among Caregivers Of Children With Cerebral Palsy

Dr. Shivani Rajasegaran

Abstract :

 Background : Current literature highlights the high stress levels experienced by mothers cå for children with CP; however sleep disorders (SD) and its associated factors suffered by such mothers have not been well documented. Objective : To provide relevant evidence and consequential guide on the management of patients and caregivers suffering sleep disorders. Study design : By way of a cross sectional questionnaire designed to calculate correlation of child vis–à–vis carer factors causing SD, participated by 99 respondents. Results : 73% of our caregivers had pathological SD, with significant correlation (p= 0.039) seen in the working population. Factors that were previously perceived to cause SD eg. co–sleeping, child with epilepsy, severe disability and use of night orthoses demonstrates no significance. Conclusion : Screening for SD among caregivers should be an integral part of the management of patients with CP. Common misconceptions on causes of SD may be identified and capable of being treated.

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Dr. Shivani Rajasegaran Pathological Sleep Disorders Among Caregivers Of Children With Cerebral Palsy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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