Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Pathological Lesions of Aspiration Pneumonia in Malabari Goats With Moneiziasis

Prasanna. K. S.

Abstract :

Respiratory diseases complicated by multiple bacterial and viral infections are common in goats. At many instances these lead to death of affected ones in untreated cases. Occasionally sudden death can also be caused by faulty drenching and subsequent aspiration of irritant chemicals and development of pneumonia. Moneziasis is a recurrent problem in management of Malabari goats. Aspiration pneumonia develops when vomitus or regurgitus enters the trachea and onchioles and end up in pneumonia. Acute cases of pneumonia in goats are rarely diagnosed as aspiration pneumonia as the pathological lesions are rarely studied.

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Prasanna. K. S. Pathological Lesions of Aspiration Pneumonia in Malabari Goats With Moneiziasis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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