Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Machine Loading Problem in F.m.s

Mr. A. Somaiah, Dr. M. Indira Rani, Mr. Ch. Varun Kumar

Abstract :

FMS operations can be oadly divided into pre–release and post–release decisions. Pre–release decisions include the FMS operational planning problem that deals with the pre–arrangement of jobs and tools before the processing begins whereas post–release decisions deal with the scheduling problems. Pre–release decisions viz., machine grouping, part type selection, production ratio determination, resource allocation and loading problems must be solved while setting up of a FMS. Amongst pre–release decisions, machine loading is considered as one of the most vital production planning problem because performance of FMS largely depends on it. The problem is to assign the machines, the operations of the selected jobs and the tools necessary to perform the operations by satisfying the technological constraints in order to obtain minimum system unbalance and maximum throughput. The machine loading problem addressed in this is that although machine capacity might be sufficient, it may not be possible to process all job orders required in particular planning period due to limited number of tool slots and available machine time. Thus, subsets of job orders are to be processed. In the past, numerous techniques have been suggested and found to be efficient, but they take long computational times when the problem size increases. In order to address the above issues, a meta–heuristic approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been proposed to improve the solubtion quality and reduce the computational time.

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Mr. A. Somaiah, Dr. M. Indira Rani, Mr. Ch. Varun Kumar Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Machine Loading Problem in F.m.s Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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