Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017


Mohanlal K, Sushil Kumar, Swamy Pv, Bhanu Bv

Abstract :

 A dermatoglyphic study of 60 Indian children with a confirmed diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy was carried out in an attempt to ascertain the possible association of the disease with aberrant dermatoglyphic features and to estimate their diagnostic usefulness. The palmar prints were taken  using Ink–pad method described by Commins and Midlo. Inverted T pad, Ink slab made of plain glass, white paper & cyclostyling ink were used for obtaining prints.

Various parameters for palm including frequency of patterns in the thenar / Ist interdigital area, hypothenar area and other inter–digital areas  were studied and the same was compared with the data obtained from 60 normal children of the same age group.  The analysis of dermatoglyphic patterns showed a statistically significant increase in frequency of patterns in the thenar – Ist interdigital area, a slight decrease  of patterns in hypothenar area and a decrease in frequency of patterns in most of the inter–digital areas among the patients. Study on cases of mental retardation by earlier authors also showed similar observations.  

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Mohanlal K, Sushil Kumar, Swamy PV, Bhanu BV, PALMAR PATTERNS IN CONVULSIVE DISORDERS, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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