Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Outcomes in patients of fracture of surgical neck humerus treated with proximal humerus inter–locking osteosynthesis (PHILOS) plate fixation

Dr. Suthar Ashish J. , Dr. Apoorva V. Dodia, Dr. Chirag I. Parmar, Dr. Patel Palakkumar G.

Abstract :

Though Hippocrates was first to describe fractures of upper end of humerus, it took us 20 centuries before Neer gave us a possible explanation regarding various aspects of these fractures and also a protocol for management of various types of these fractures. Now sitting on a mountain of information regarding pros and cons of various modalities of treatment, blood supply of head, trabecular pattern of head etc. we are in a place to study the efficacy of proximal humerus locking plate in the treatment of fracture of surgical neck of humerus. The purpose of this study is to specifically study the effect of patient age and fracture type on the outcome. Operated patients were assessed on the basis of UCLA and DASH score. Results of the operative treatment with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) using proximal humerus locking plates is very satisfactory

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Dr. Suthar Ashish J., Dr. Apoorva V. Dodia, Dr. Chirag I. Parmar, Dr. Patel Palakkumar G. Outcomes in patients of fracture of surgical neck humerus treated with proximal humerus inter-locking osteosynthesis (PHILOS) plate fixation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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