Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

outcome of open pre peritoneal mesh repair and lichtenstein's s mesh repair

Dr B. Ramesh, Dr. K. Haripriya, Dr. P. Venkateswar

Abstract :

 Groin hernias are the most common conditions referred to surgeons all over the World. This is a prospective study done in Osmania General Hospital from 2015 October to September 2016. The aim of the present study was to compare the open pre peritoneal mesh repair to Lichtenstein procedure, in patients with unilateral inguinal hernia with respect to operative time , duration of hospital stay , as well as incidence of wound complications ,chronic groin pain and hernia recurrence post–operatively. Patients in open pre peritoneal repair group had less incidence of wound infection, wound seroma collection and chronic groin pain.  Though the average operating time was slightly more, the duration of hospital stay was same in both groups.  On 12 months follow–up both groins did not have any recurrence.  Therefore the open pre peritoneal technique offers a better outcome when compared to Lichtenstein’s technique for open repair of unilateral inguinal hernias.


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Dr B.Ramesh, Dr.k.Haripriya, Dr.P.Venkateswar, outcome of open pre peritoneal mesh repair and lichtenstein's s mesh repair, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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