Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Osmium (VIII) Catalysed Oxidation of DL–methionine by Alkaline Sodium Periodate – A Kinetic Study

B Dharma Rao, M Sridevi, P Vani

Abstract :

Osmium (VIII) catalysed oxidation of DL–methionine (Met) by sodium periodate (Per) was studied spectrophotometrically at 280 nm in aqueous alkaline medium and at 30oC. A micro amount of osmium(VIII) was sufficient to catalyse the reaction between DL–methionine and sodium periodate. The reaction is first order in both [periodate] and [osmium(VIII)]. The reaction rate decreased with increase in [methionine] and independent of ionic strength and [OH–]. Methionine sulfone was found to be the main product of oxidation and it was identified by IR and Mass spectra. Iodate, the other product was found to have negligible effect on reaction rate. A plausible mechanism was proposed and the rate law derived.

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B Dharma Rao, M Sridevi, P Vani Osmium (VIII) Catalysed Oxidation of DL-methionine by Alkaline Sodium Periodate‾A Kinetic Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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