Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Organizational Innovation: Imperative for Business Sustainability

Dr. Mousumi Sengupt, Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta

Abstract :

Innovation may be defined as something original, new, and important that eaks in to or obtains a foothold in a market or society. Broadly, innovation may be categorized into three types: Product, process, and organizational innovation. Product innovation refers to the new or improved product, equipment or service that is successful on the market. Process innovation involves the adoption of a new or improved manufacturing or distribution process, or a new method of social service. Organisational innovation can lead to more effective utilisation of human resources that are crucial to the successful exploitation of ideas. The present paper discusses certain issues regarding organizational innovation, along with a number of corporate illustrations of organizational innovations.  

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Dr. Mousumi Sengupt, Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta Organizational Innovation: Imperative for Business Sustainability Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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