Volume : II, Issue : II, November - 2012

Organised Manufacturing Sector of Punjab: Performance, Potential And Constraints

Dr. Manjit Sharma

Abstract :

Organised manufacturing sector recorded higher trend growth rate of fixed capital in post reform period as compared to pre–reform period, But the growth of fixed capital failed to generate higher growth rate of output and employment during post–reform period i.e. period of ‘jobless growth’. Same momentum of growth rate of output was not maintained in post–reform period. Labour and capital are complementary in nature for organised manufacturing sector in post–reform period. .Positive employment elasticity indicates labour–intensive nature of organised manufacturing sector. Organised manufacturing sector observed ‘jobless growth’ and same momentum of output was not maintained in postreform period. Growth rate of emoluments in organised manufacturing sector is higher than that of its employment level. It implies that existing skilled labour force has been paid higher wages and perks rather than creating new employment opportunities for organised manufacturing sector of Punjab. Positive employment elasticity indicates labour–intensive nature of organised manufacturing sector. Labour and capital are complementary in nature for organised manufacturing sector in post–reform period.  

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Dr. Manjit Sharma Organised Manufacturing Sector of Punjab: Performance, Potential And Constraints Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.II November 2012

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