Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Organisational Commitmentof The Teaching Professional At Higher Education Institutions

Dr. Ishwara. P

Abstract :

In this paper an attempt has been made to study organizational commitment of teaching professionals at higher education institutions in the Karnataka state. Competent, committed, involved and dedicated teachers are the greatest assets for any educational institution. Higher education institutions function as the focal centers of higher education. They play a key role in the generation, transfer and application of new knowledge. The intellectual dynamism, resourcefulness and economic prosperity of any nation are reflected in the quality and commitment of its teachers. The study is focused on the teachers working in various postgraduate (P.G) departments of the conventional universities in the Karnataka state. The Population consists of permanent teachers such as 603 Assistant professor, 463 Associate professor and 441 Professors appointed by the universities. The proportionate stratified random sampling technique used to choose the sample respondents. The study reveals that, 44.8 percent of the respondents reported moderate level of organizational commitment and 24.3 per cent of the respondents indicated high level of organizational commitment. Organizational, individual and career related factors influences to the perceived levels of organizational commitment of teachers working at university system.

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Dr. Ishwara. P Organisational Commitmentof The Teaching Professional At Higher Education Institutions Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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