Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Organic monolithic materials: preparation and applications

Eman Alzahrani

Abstract :

Monolithic materials have been shown to possessmany advantages compared with packed particles. For example, they are easy to prepare, they have high surface area and high stability, and they are highly permeable to liquid flow compared with the packed bed since porous monoliths contain interconnected macroand mesopores. Theporous polymer–based monolithshave been faicated by using a wide range of monomers and crosslinking agents enabling the porous properties of the monolith to be controlled. In the recent years, they have found widespread use in many different applications such as liquid chromatography, solid phase extraction, and enzyme immobilisation in capillary and microfluidic chip formats. This review focuses on the various studies outline routes for faication of the organic monolithic materials. Moreover, this review focuses on the applications of polymer–based monoliths in solid phase extraction.

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Eman Alzahrani Organic monolithic materials: preparation and applications Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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