Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Oral Rehabilitation with Multiple Loop Connectors–A Case Report

Dr. Ravikumar Akulwar, Dr. Susheen Gajare, Dr. Shivkumar Mule, Dr. Ashwin Kodgi

Abstract :

Loss of anterior teeth with existing diastema may result in excess space available for pontic. This condition presents great esthetic challenge for prosthodontist. If implant supported prosthesis is not possible because of inadequate bone support, fixed partial denture along with loop connector may be the treatment option to maintain the diastema and provide optimal esthetic restoration. Here we report a clinical case where fixed partial denture along with loop connector was used to achieve esthetic rehabilitation in maxillary anterior region in which midline diastema has been maintained.

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DR. RAVIKUMAR AKULWAR, DR. SUSHEEN GAJARE, DR. SHIVKUMAR MULE, DR. ASHWIN KODGI Oral Rehabilitation with Multiple Loop Connectors‾A Case Report Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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