Volume : I, Issue : XI, August - 2012

Optimization of the Irrigation water Efficiency

Kiran R. Shah, Prof. A. I. Lalani

Abstract :

In the present world scenario, the issue of water resource management has assumed paramount importance and occupied the centre stage of politico–economic debates. The crucial role of water can be gauged from the MIT prediction that “if at all there is going to be third world war, it would be for the sake of water” (Conflict Analysis Wing, MIT, USA). The world is passing through a critical phase with regard to water. And looking to the future trends, the picture regarding water is very gloomy. The importance of agriculture sector for initiating and sustaining economic growth in developing countries is alone a recognized fact. In developing countries with limited cultivable land, growing population pressure and diminishing returns in agriculture, exploring the possibilities for achieving significant land–augmenting technical progress offered by the “Green Revolution” technology is of utmost importance.

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Kiran R.Shah, PROF.A.I.Lalani Optimization of the Irrigation water Efficiency Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.XI August 2012

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