Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Optimization of Quality Characterstics of CNC Milling Machine Using the Taguchi Method on Hot Die Steel H–13

Parveen Kumar, Deepak Choudhary

Abstract :

This paper outlines the Taguchi optimization methodology, which is applied to optimize the cutting parameters in vertical CNC milling machine while machining Hot Die steel H–13 with Solid carbide tool under semifinishing and finishing condition. The inputs of model consist of spindle speed, depth of cut & feed rate while the output of the model is material removal rate & surface roughness.. An orthogonal array L9, S/N ratio are employed to analyze the effect of these milling parameters. The study shows that the Taguchi method is suitable to solve the stated problem with minimum number of trials as compared with other DOE methods.The results shows that DOC has more effect than SS, and SS has more effect than FR in controlling the MRR & the FR has more effect than SS, and SS has more effect than DOC in controlling the Ra.

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Parveen Kumar, Deepak Choudhary / Optimization of Quality Characterstics of CNC Milling Machine Using the Taguchi Method on Hot Die Steel H-13 / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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