Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Optimization of Linear Equations using Genetic Algorithms

Roshni . V Patel, Jignesh. S Patel

Abstract :

For solving linear system of equations iterative algorithms are used. This paper proposes a new paradigm for solving systems of linear equations through using Genetic Algorithms (GA) techniques. Conventional numerical methods such as Gaussian Elimination method produce a set of solutions for a particular system of simultaneous linear equations, but genetic algorithm is capable to produce more than one set of solutions for certain systems of equations. In this paper we have used Genetic algorithms to find solution of linear equations since it is difficult to describe the solution set with infinitely many solutions. This study investigates the applicability and effectiveness of GA in finding optimal solution of systems of simultaneous linear equations, which includes a search for optimal values for the unknown variables in the equation that best fit the system of linear equation. To avoid the disadvantages like rounding errors, inverting large matrices, GA are introduced.

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Roshni .V Patel, Jignesh. S Patel Optimization of Linear Equations using Genetic Algorithms Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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