Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Opportunities and Challenges of Seafood Industry in India

Dr. S. Rajamohan, D. Joel Jebadurai

Abstract :

Export is the lifeblood of the economic development of the countries growth. India is the country gifted with the lot of resources and wider coastal areas. It exports various types of seafood to different countries in the global logistics market. Seafood is exported by the exporters in the way of direct and indirect manner due to the reason of lack of knowledge towards foreign exchange fluctuation and tax purpose of the exporters. Export is necessary for every country because it ings lot of benefits to the countries in form of foreign exchange; foreign resources, employment opportunity and so on. But still now our balance of payment shows deficit. Within this backdrop this paper is made to study the opportunities and challenges of seafood industries in India.  

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Dr.S.Rajamohan, D.Joel Jebadurai Opportunities and Challenges of Seafood Industry in India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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