Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Opportunities and Challenges Faced By Domestic Packaged Drinking Water Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Mysore District, Karnataka

Rakesh. T. S, Dr. Ashoka M. L, Madhushree. S,

Abstract :

In India, due to the lack of a readily available clean water supply, bottled water is more of a necessity than a choice. As a result of this Indian bottled water market has exploded with an estimated 1 million bottles sold per day and it has been growing at a CAGR of 19%, is expected to continue its growth momentum and grow over four–folds to Rs.36,000 crores by 2020. There are more than 3,300 registered plants manufacturing bottled water in India, around 48% located in the south and followed by 22% in the west. Majority of the Indian bottled water manufacturing enterprises are failing in building creating ands and making them sustain in the huge domestic market against the MNCs bottled water ands and also their efforts are not sufficient to take them into global markets. In this background the present study is mainly focused on highlighting the problems faced by the domestic bottled water enterprises while marketing and creating ands in the market against MNC’s bottled water ands in Mysore District, Karnataka.

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Rakesh.T.S, Dr.Ashoka M.L, Madhushree.S, Opportunities and Challenges Faced By Domestic Packaged Drinking Water Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Mysore District, Karnataka Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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