Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Operational Performance of Mango Pulp Industry in Tamilnadu–An Analysis

L. Jagadeesan, Dr. H. Shankar

Abstract :

Mango is acknowledged as the king of fruits of tropical area by the world. Tamilnadu is one of the major mango growing states in India as the climate is conductive for mango cultivation. It is generally grown under rain–fed conditions in the state. While mangoes are popularly consumed directly as fruits, not all could be done so and preservation in the form of processing is widely recorded to. It is also an economic requirement in order that remunerative prices are realised by growers and the consumers get the benefit of spread over consumption The main objective of this study is to analyse the operational performance of Mango Pulp Industry in Tamilnadu. It was found that stated that the mango pulp units are facing a number of bottlenecks and issues in the opinion of producers, like non availability of sufficient mangoes for processing which they have to compete with manufacturers in other states for procurement. The availability within Tamilnadu is felt as not sufficient. The very short period of availability makes it economically non–feasible an investment due to gross under utilisation of infrastructure. Very few units have taken up processing of other fruits to better utilise the capacity. This need to be seriously addressed and measures taken by the units. Direct export marketing need to be considered through a co–operative effort instead of depending heavily on merchant exporters.

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L.JAGADEESAN, Dr. H.SHANKAR Operational Performance of Mango Pulp Industry in Tamilnadu – An Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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