Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

Open Source Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System Analyzer

Bhavini Ahir, Prachi Tambakhe, Dr. Kalpesh Lad

Abstract :

Today computers are part of networked; distributed systems that may span multiple buildings sometimes located thousands of miles apart. The network of such a system is a pathway for communication between the computers in the distributed system. The network is also a pathway for intrusion. Intrusion detection is an important technology in business sector as well as an active area of research. It is an important tool for information security. A Network Intrusion Detection System is used to monitor networks for attacks or intrusions and report these intrusions to the administrator in order to take evasive action. This system is designed to detect and combat some common attacks on network systems. It follows the signature based IDs methodology for ascertaining attacks. A signature based IDS will monitor packets on the network and compare them against a database of signatures or attributes from known malicious threats. In this system the attack log displays the list of attacks to the administrator for evasive action. This system works as an alert device in the event of attacks directed towards an entire network. This paper discuss about various architecture of network intrusion detection system & their limitations and advantages. Snort is used as NIDS & its output is used by Open Source Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System Analyzer for generating various reports for analysis.

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Bhavini Ahir, Prachi Tambakhe, Dr. Kalpesh Lad Open Source Intelligent Network Intrusion Detection System Analyzer Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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