Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

One Person Company: A Critical Analysis

Dr. Madhu Sudan Dash

Abstract :

 The Companies Act, 2013 opens a new segment for organizing a business in India by providing the concept of OPC which is a legitimate way to incorporate a company with only one member. OPC is similar to the existing concept of Sole–proprietorship with separate legal entity distinct from its proprietors and promoters. OPC can run and undertake its business like Sole–proprietorship with the status of Company. It will not only provide them an opportunity to vent into something new but will also help them to access certain facilities like bank loans, legal shield for their business and a thorough access to the market as a separate entity

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Dr.Madhu Sudan Dash One Person Company: A Critical Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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