Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

On The End Equitable Edge Domination of Graphs

A. C. Dinesh, Puttaswamy

Abstract :

 In a graph ,a set is an equitable edge domination set of if every edge not in is adjacent to at least one an edge such that .The minimum cardinality of such an equitable edge domination set is denoted by and is called equitable edge domination number of .In this paper, we introduce the end equitable edge domination in graphs, exact values for some standard graphs are found. The relation with the others domination parameters is studied. Some bounds for the end equitable edge domination are obtained.

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A. C. Dinesh, Puttaswamy On The End Equitable Edge Domination of Graphs Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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