Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2017

On a new Species of cestode parasite from large grey babbler in Aurangabad district (M.S.) India

Sambhaji Shinde, Amol Thosar, R. K. Nimbalkar

Abstract :

 The present communication deals with a new species of the genus Mogheia alii, Sp. Nov. from Turdoides malcolmi at District Aurangabad (M.S.) India. The worm comes closer to all the known species of the genus Mogheia in general topography of organs but differs due to scolex large, oval in shape. The suckers are large, four in numbers, oval in shape. Neck is absent. Scolex is followed by indistinct segmentation. Mature segments ten times oader than long, testes six in numbers, cirrus pouch small, cylindrical in shape, obliquely placed. Cirrus straight, thin tube. Vas deferens thin, curved tube , extends beyond the middle of the segment. Vagina, wide tube, posterior to cirrus pouch, genital pores small, round in shape. Ovary large, oval in shape, placed in poral half of the segment, ootype medium, round in shape.

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Sambhaji Shinde, Amol Thosar, R. K. Nimbalkar, On a new Species of cestode parasite from large grey babbler in Aurangabad district (M.S.) India, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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