Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

Odl Assure A Flexible and Appropriate Education of Children With Learning Disabilities

Dr. S. Maqbool Ahmed

Abstract :

Distance Education as an emerging concept of modern education is proving to be an effective alternative to formal education. Distance Education has been found to be a viable alternative to meet the growing number of education seekers; a boon for those deprived of the benefits of education. Distance Education has always held special appeal for people with Learning difficulties because of the freedom it offers in choosing when, where and how to study. Open Distance Learning Universities are considered to be an excellent institution for meeting the requirement of Children with Learning Disabilities. The phrases’ Learning difficulties’ and ‘Learning disabilities’ somehow differ because the term ‘disability’ carries a negative and pessimistic connotation; whereas ‘difficulty’ implies a problem with solutions. When a Learning difficulty becomes so severe as to interfere with the child’s learning process, it is better to call it as “Learning disability”. Children with Learning Disabilities and difficulties are found nearly in every class room. A person with Learning Difficulties is someone whom society identifies as having an impairment in cognitive functioning, but whose needs and interests are not well catered for by societal structures or by the interactions of other people; he or she is a survivor of struggle to overcome this disadvantage and may need help to continue to do so. Children with disabilities are less likely to be in school, disabled adult are more likely to be unemployed, and families with a disabled member are often worse off than average. With better education and more access to jobs, people with Learning Disabilities can become an integral part of society, as well as help to generate Higher Economic growth that will benefit the country as a whole. This paper address issues pertaining to how Open Distance Learning help in increasing the enrolment percentage of differently abled students and their sustainability in Higher Education, and also suggest some Techniques and methods of Open Learning which are needed by people with Learning Disabilities for better integration in to society by overcoming stigma 

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Dr.S.Maqbool Ahmed Odl Assure A Flexible and Appropriate Education of Children With Learning Disabilities Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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