Volume : IX, Issue : VI, June - 2019

Occupational Stress among Public Sector Banks Employees

Anita Sheopuri

Abstract :

Today’s workplace stress is becoming a matter of anxiety for all the organizations. Banking sector is no more an exception. In India, particularly public and private sector banks are amongst also coping with stressed environment. The stressful factors that employees are facing i.e. greater challenges to be at par with technological revolutions, service diversification and global banking. In this volatile and competitive environment, stress is unavoidable. Stress is becoming a major issue in the workplaces, that were considered safe and cool, but at present times, this has been changed so much, that it is a subject of concern for the employees and the institutions. Despite of prologue of modern technologies and innovations in the banking sector, employees are still feeling overloaded with work and stressed out. It has become hard for Indian employees specially working women to cope with these changes, and the result is stress. Stress management is a vital tool of maintaining good physical and emotional health and healthy relationships with others. Various researches have proved that stress is increasing at a rising rate in the banking sector. Due to recession in the global market and cutthroat competition, banks are facing many challenges. As a response of which, they have to make efforts to increase their efficiency. Banks, these days, are restructuring themselves. This results in more workload on their employees. Some institutions have introduced special programs to help their employees to remove physical and mental stress and prevent from the problems of stress and to help "make do" with work–related stress. Stress management refers to the extensive range of techniques and psychotherapies, which can prevent and control an individual’s level of stress. If psychological wellness and wellbeing of the employees is enhanced, productivity shall also increase. Because it is said that, “A Healthy Employee is a Productive Employee” The paper will be an insight that will help the reader further improve his / her management competencies in managing stress in the workplace.

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