Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Obstetric Admissions to The Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Study

Dr. Sameer V. Kulkarni, Dr. Khalid I. Khatib

Abstract :

Seriously ill pregnant and postpartum patients are admitted to the intensive care unit either postoperatively, due to organ dysfunction related to the pregnant state or due to medical problems presenting during pregnancy. Whatever the reason for their entry into the intensive care unit, they constitute only a small percentage of patients admitted to the ICU. Hypertension related to pregnancy, peripartum bleeding and decompensated pre–existing medical diseases have been reported to be the leading causes of hospitalization to the intensive care unit. We conducted a retrospective study to analyze the reasons for intensive care unit admission of obstetric patients and to study the outcome. Obstetric patients admitted to ICU were 0.65% of all deliveries and 2.3% of all ICU admissions. The commonest causes of ICU admission in our study were pregnancy induced hypertension, eclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage. Though morbidity was high, mortality was limited in our study

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Dr. Sameer V. Kulkarni, Dr. Khalid I. Khatib Obstetric Admissions to The Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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