Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Nutritional status of children living in motherless babies' homes in Enugu State Southeast Nigeria

Dr. Eke Christopher Bismarck, Dr. Edelu Benedict Onyeka, Dr. Ukoha Oluchi Mildred, Dr. Ikefuna Anthony Nnaemeka

Abstract :

Background: Nutritional assessment in children especially those living in motherless babies’ homes with limited resources may help in identification of those at risk of becoming or already malnourished. This study aims to assess the nutritional status of children living in motherless babies homes. Subjects and methods: A cross–sectional descriptive survey involving ninety children aged 3 months to 16 years living in the motherless babies’ homes over a 6 month period was conducted. Data were collected using a semi–structured interviewer administered questionnaire. Relevant clinical examinations including anthropometry (mainly weight and length/ height) of the study population were done according to standard protocols. Nutritional status of the selected children was classified according to WHO classification. Data analysis was done using WHO Anthro /Anthro Plus and SPSS version 19.0 Results: More than two–thirds, 61 (67.8%) of the children had normal nutritional status while over– weight and obesity were observed in 15 (16.7%) and 12 (13.3%) of the children respectively. Also, 17 (18.8%), 7 (8.4%), 7 (8.4%) and 1(1.4%) of the children respectively were moderately stunted, severely stunted, under–weight and wasted. Conclusion: Majority of the children have normal nutritional status. However, over nutrition (overweight and obesity) was found to be an emerging nutritional challenge in children living in motherless babies homes. Efforts should be made to create a policy for routine nutritional status assessment of children living in motherless babies homes while their proprietors/caretakers should be educated and encouraged on the need for optimal infant/ and childhood nutrition including adequate physical activity

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Dr. Eke Christopher Bismarck, Dr. Edelu Benedict Onyeka, Dr. Ukoha Oluchi Mildred, Dr. Ikefuna Anthony Nnaemeka Nutritional status of children living in motherless babies’ homes in Enugu State Southeast Nigeria Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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