Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015


Dr. Abhishek Ghosh, Dr. Pallavi Sk, Dr. Bhuvan Nagpal, Dr. Usha Hegde, Dr. Archana S. , Mrs. Jyoti Nagpal

Abstract :

 Oral health is related to diet in many ways; e.g. influence of nutrition on craniofacial development, infectious diseases of the oral cavity and oral cancer. Oro–dental diseases impact considerably on self–esteem and quality of life and are expensive to treat. Nutrition affects the teeth as well as oral cavity during development and malnutrition may exacerbate periodontal and oral infectious diseases. Diet plays an important role in the prevention of oro–dental diseases including dental caries, dental erosion, developmental defects, oral mucosal diseases and periodontal diseases. However, the most significant effect of nutrition on teeth is the local action of diet in the mouth on the development of dental caries and dental erosion. The objective of this paper is to review the evidence for an association between nutrition, diet and dental diseases and to present dietary recommendations for their prevention

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Abhishek Ghosh, Dr. Pallavi SK, Dr. Bhuvan Nagpal, Dr. Usha Hegde, Dr. Archana S., Mrs. Jyoti Nagpal / NUTRITION AND ORAL HEALTH: A REVIEW / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 11 November 2016

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