Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Nutrient Intake Amongst Adolescent Girls Residing in An Urban Slum of Delhi

Dr. Priyanka Gupta Bansal, Dr. G. S. Toteja, Dr. Neena Bhatia

Abstract :

Anaemia is a severe public health problem in India. Dietary diversification is one of the most important long term strategy for combating anaemia. The present study was therefore undertaken to assess the nutrient intake of anaemic adolescent girls residing in an urban slum of Delhi. Information on nutrient intake was collected using 24–hour dietary recall and food frequency questionnaire. Mean nutrient intake was compared with Recommended Dietary Allowances for Indians. The mean calorie consumption was 1392±238 Kcal/d, 1654±254 Kcal/d and 1649±288 Kcal/d for Group I (11–12 yrs), II (13–15 yrs) and III (16–18 yrs) respectively. 78.3% of the subjects were found to consume less than 50% of the recommended allowance for iron. Adequacy for other hematopoietic nutrients mainly folic acid and vitamin B12 was around 70–80%. The present study indicated low intake of nutrients especially iron. Creating community awareness through massive campaigns focussing on educating people about anaemia is important.

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Dr. Priyanka Gupta Bansal, Dr. G.S. Toteja, Dr. Neena Bhatia Nutrient Intake Amongst Adolescent Girls Residing in An Urban Slum of Delhi Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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