Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Nurses' Knowledge of The Themes Regional Food and Food Security Before and After Trainning

Julliana Dos Santos Aires, Adria Marcela Vieira Ferreira, Leidiane Minervina Moraes De Sabino, Emilly Karoline Freire Oliveira, Mariana Cavalcante Martins, Paulo Cesar De Almeida, Lorena Barbosa Ximenes

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to measure the theoretical knowledge of nurses on regional food and on food security, before and after training. A quasi–experimental study of before–and–after design, conducted with seven nurses working in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) located in a city in the rural area of the Ceará State, Brazil. In data collection, we used pre–test and post–test instruments before and after the training provided through the serial album. We verified that in nine of thirteen questions, nurses answered correctly both the pre–test and post–test questions. On the other hand, in four questions remaining, not all nurses got the pre–test questions right and after training, there was an increase in the number of successes in post–test questions. Thus, we conclude that the training contributed to the improvement of theoretical knowledge of nurses about regional food and food security

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Julliana dos Santos Aires, Adria Marcela Vieira Ferreira, Leidiane Minervina Moraes de Sabino, Emilly Karoline Freire Oliveira, Mariana Cavalcante Martins, Paulo Cesar de Almeida, Lorena Barbosa Ximenes Nurses¥ Knowledge of The Themes Regional Food and Food Security Before and After Trainning Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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