Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Numerical Studies on Composite Steel Tubes Subjected To Monotonic Loading using NX–NASTRAN

Mohamed Farhan, Dr. N. S Kumar

Abstract :

This Research focuses on a numerical model developed for Hollow tube and concrete filled steel tube (CFST) columns under monotonic loading and. The study was conducted using NX–NASTRAN 8.0 finite element software . Three–dimensional nonlinear finite element models developed to study the force transfer between steel tube and concrete core. 8 Noded Hexagonal element is considered for finite element analysis. Analysis was run for both Hollow tubes and Concrete filled steel tube (CFST). Result of Analytical solution were compared with Experimental results and Theoretical formulas. Comparison of hollow and CFST tubes showed that the concrete core delayed the onset of local buckling of the steel tube

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Mohamed Farhan, Dr. N.S Kumar Numerical Studies on Composite Steel Tubes Subjected To Monotonic Loading using Nx-NaSTaN Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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