Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Nosocomial Infections in Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Unit–A study of their prevalence and microbiological profile.

Dr Anil Chandra Debnath, Dr Sangita Choudhury

Abstract :

 The aim of our study was to identify the pattern of nosocomial infections, their prevalence and microbiological profile in the six bedded ICU of TMC & Dr BRAM Teaching Hospital. The study involved a retrospective analysis of medical records of the ICU patients during the period from January 2015 to Feuary 2016. Patients data were collected with reference to evidence of new infection after 48 hours of admission, site involved, isolated microorganisms if any, and their antibiotic sensitivity profile. The infection rate of our ICU was (16.13%) among which commonest was urinary tract infection (41.43%) followed by respiratory tract infection (31.43%) followed by dual infection of respiratory and urinary tract (17.13%). The rest were infections of surgical site and blood stream infection. The commonest organism isolated for urinary tract infection was E coli and for respiratory tract infection it was Klebsiella isolates. The relatively lesser rate of nosocomial infection in our ICU might be due better practice of antiseptic and aseptic precautions.

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Dr Anil Chandra Debnath, Dr Sangita Choudhury Nosocomial Infections in Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Unit–A study of their prevalence and microbiological profile. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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