Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Non invasive positive pressure ventilation strategy in acute respiratory failure–predictors outcome in intensive respiratory care unit in tertiary care center.

Dr. Ramakrishna V. Ghubde, Dr. Archana Shekokar

Abstract :

 Aims– To identify predictors of successfully non invasive ventilatory treatment strategy in patients of acute respiratory failure of diverse etiology . This was a prospective observational study. All patients with acute respiratory failure receiving NIV treatment were enrolled in study IRCU of a teaching hospital at SKNMC& GH Pune.India Patients were enrolled if they had acute respiratory failure & had been admitted in intensive respiratory care unit bet 1st Jan. 2014 to 31st dec .2014. During study period all 82 patients who satisfied the study inclusion criteria agree to participate in study & keep follow up of every patient until discontinuation of NIV Or their death .On the basis of APACHE II score prior to treatment . serial measurements of respiratory rate ,tidal volume ,rapid shallow eathing index ,maximal inspiratory pressure [PI max],Maximum expiratory pressure [PEmax] prior to & ½ an hour & 1 hour Subsequent to NIV treatment .[Subscripted Numbers 0, 30min ,60min ]. NIV treatment was determined as successful in 52 patients . [success groups where patients endotracheal intubation was avoided & failure group 30 patients. APACHEII score prior to treatment Pimax 30[pimax 30 min .subsequent to NIVRR30 min subsequent to NIV ,RR60 min subsequent to NIV Were all significantly lower in success group than Failure groups. The success group also had significantly better values for RR during first 30 min of NIV treatment & PE max during first 60 min of NIV treatment ,. compared to patients with failure group.

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Dr. Ramakrishna V. Ghubde, Dr.Archana Shekokar Non invasive positive pressure ventilation strategy in acute respiratory failure‾predictors outcome in intensive respiratory care unit in tertiary care center. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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