Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Non–Invasive Methods of Evaluation in Female Pattern Hair Loss : Common Problems in Clinical Practice

Dr. Orasan Meda Sandra, Dr. Coneac Andrei, Prof. Dr. Orasan Remus Ioan

Abstract :

The majority of women with androgenic alopecia (AGA) have diffuse thinning on the crown area of the scalp. To establish a correct diagnosis and assessment of alopecia, the dermatologist uses different methods of hair evaluation: non–invasive, semi–invasive, invasive. Our paper aimed at: describing the current status of diagnosis and quantification of AGA from literature, offering feedback and outlining clinical approaches that are reliable in practice. The study was performed on 84 women subjects with AGA. The patients were asked what procedure they would agree to perform. If they declined one type, we tried to find out the reason. The best results were obtained by structured interview, hair pull test and dermoscopy, followed by global photographs and questionnaires. There is a great need for reliable and minimally invasive methods of measuring hair loss. Guidelines should be taken into consideration for making a standardized assessment of the patient with hair loss.

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Dr. Orasan Meda Sandra, Dr. Coneac Andrei, Prof. Dr. Orasan Remus Ioan Non-Invasive Methods of Evaluation in Female Pattern Hair Loss : Common Problems in Clinical Practice Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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