Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

NIRI (National Institutional Repository of Iims) : A Proposal For an 'IIM–IR Library Consortium'

Padma, P, Ramasamy, K

Abstract :

Intellectual output of each and every institution is worth preserving. If there is an outlet to utilize this indigenous output among the same fraternity situated across the country, then it is worth thinking. Liary co-operation, resource shå and liary network and liary consortia - all mean the same - shå the resources, services and expenditure among the participating units for the mutual and maximum benefit of the users. Self-archiving, Indigenous/local collection building and institutional repository - all mean the same - building a collection of locally generated intellectual output in a logical way to serve the users of the same campus for the maximum utilization. This paper discusses a proposal on building a national institutional repository of Indian Institutes of Managements on the lines of a liary consortium. The paper proposes the formation of NIRI (National Institutional Repository of IIMs) -- the planning, implementation and evaluation of an IIM-IR Consortium. (Indian Institutes of Management - Institutional Repository consortium).

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Padma, P, Ramasamy, K NIRI (National Institutional Repository of Iims) : A Proposal For an 'IIM-IR Library Consortium' Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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