Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013
New Methods for Prediction of Bond Order of Mono and Diatomic Homo and Hetero Nuclear Molecules or Ions Having (1–20) E�S and Oxide Based Acid Radicals Without Mot � A Rapid Innovative Approach
Arijit Das
Abstract :
Prediction of bond order is of vital important to students of chemistry for solving different kinds of problems related to bond length, bond strength, bond dissociation energy, thermal stability and reactivity. Keeping this in mind, a new innovative method is presented for calculation of bond order of molecules and ions having total electrons (01–20) in a very simple and time saving manner. This method is applicable for mono atomic and diatomic molecules and ions such as CO, NO+, O2 2+ etc. and is not applicable for polyatomic molecules such as BF3, CH4, CO2 etc.
Keywords :
Total electrons Central atom/Peripheral atom Oxide based acid radical Bond length Bond strength Bond dissociation energy Thermal stability Reactivity.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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ARIJIT DAS / New Methods for Prediction of Bond Order of Mono and Diatomic Homo and Hetero Nuclear Molecules or Ions Having (1-20) E�S and Oxide Based Acid Radicals Without Mot � A Rapid Innovative Approach / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013
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ARIJIT DAS / New Methods for Prediction of Bond Order of Mono and Diatomic Homo and Hetero Nuclear Molecules or Ions Having (1-20) E�S and Oxide Based Acid Radicals Without Mot � A Rapid Innovative Approach / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013
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