Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013
New Innovative Methods for Prediction of Bond Order of Mono and Diatomic Molecules or Ions Having Total Number of (1–20)E S In a Very Short Time
Dr. Arijit Das
Abstract :
Prediction of bond order is a vitally important to students of chemistry in undergraduate, graduate and also in Post–graduate level for solving different kinds of problems relating to bond length, bond strength, bond dissociation energy, thermal stability and reactivity. This new innovative method has to be introduced for calculation of bond order of mono and diatomic molecules and ions having total electrons (01–20) in a very simple way, which will really be a time saving one. Earlier another method has also to be introduced for the determination of bond order of mono and diatomic molecules or ions having total electrons (08–20). This new one (01–20) e–s will be the innovative part of the earlier one (08–20) e–s, so that students can predict bond–order of mono and diatomic molecules or ions having total electrons (01–20).
Keywords :
Total electrons mod function Bond length Bond strength Bond dissociation energy Thermal stability Reactivity
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr. Arijit Das New Innovative Methods for Prediction of Bond Order of Mono and Diatomic Molecules or Ions Having Total Number of (1-20)E S In a Very Short Time Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013
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Dr. Arijit Das New Innovative Methods for Prediction of Bond Order of Mono and Diatomic Molecules or Ions Having Total Number of (1-20)E S In a Very Short Time Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013
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