Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

Neem– A Tree for Solving Global Problem

Manoj Kumar Jhariya, Abhishek Raj, K. P. Sahu, P. R. Paikra

Abstract :

The neem is a tropical evergreen tree native to India. Neem is very valuable N2–fixing trees with multipurpose uses. It covers extensively entire parts of India and grown in most tropical and sub–tropical areas of the world. It works as a good wind eakers and shelter belts in arid and semi arid region. It has a reputed value for its herbal medicines, spermicidal and hence treated as perfect, complete and imperishable gift in the nature. Their importance are in the both aspects i.e., commercially and environmentally aspects likes temperate moderation, regular rainfall, natural fertilizer, natural bio–pesticides ability etc. along with the economic aspects likes production of neem oil, need cake, neem leaves and their products. India, Kenya, Germany, USA, Australia, Canada and China which covers most of the extensive parts of the world for generating the number of neem products and neem based industries. Therefore, neem is very important in purpose of generating economic values and national or state revenue with early returns of their produces. It has a lot of importance in social forestry, agroforestry, reforestation and rehabilitating the waste lands and degraded industrial lands. Because of these, neem has found enormous applications making it a green treasure.

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Manoj Kumar Jhariya, Abhishek Raj, K. P. Sahu, P. R. Paikra / Neem- A Tree for Solving Global Problem / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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